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How Companies Have Accounted for Lease Changes During a Pandemic

Learn how companies account for the changes and impacts of stay-at-home orders for their business

Leases are one of the largest overhead costs for many companies and require immediate attention during this critical time. Businesses all over the world rushed to examine their lease obligations in order to mitigate legal and financial exposure and conserve cash. How did companies account for the changes and impacts of stay-at-home orders and adjustments to their business?

During this session, our expert advisors will be covering:

  • Key strategies companies are using to cut or defer rent expense
  • Accounting adjustments for companies following ASC 840 and ASC 842
  • The long-term lease accounting and finance impact of COVID-19
  • Clark Convery, Chief Operating Officer, Visual Lease
  • Lisa Kaestle, Audit - Director, Accounting Advisory Services, Grant Thornton 
  • Moderator: Brian G. Schwagerl. Brian is the Undergraduate Chair of Academics and Clinical Assistant Professor of Real Estate at NYUSPS Schack Institute of Real Estate.