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Meet the Presenters


Joe Fitzgerald

SVP of Lease Market Strategy

Visual Lease

With more than 20 years in finance and lease accounting consulting, Joe informs our product roadmap, deepens strategic partnerships and supports go-to-market strategy. Previously, Joe served as EY’s practice leader for Lease Accounting and Technology, helping companies navigate the technology landscape for the new lease accounting standards.


Lou Battagliese

Founding Partner Advisory Services

Jackson Cross Partners

Lou is a founding Partner and leads the Advisory Services division. He is a leading expert in FASB lease accounting standards compliance. Lou has directed transaction projects valued in excess of $1.5 billion in over 50 markets worldwide.


Zachary Forrest

Executive Director Advisory Services

Jackson Cross Partners

Zach is an Executive Director in the Advisory Services division, helping clients with their Lease Accounting implementation projects and ongoing maintenance initiatives. He has worked with numerous Fortune 500 companies on best practices for accounting compliance and data integrity.