Now that sustainability disclosures are showing up on financial statements, finance teams find themselves on the front lines. It’s overwhelming to decipher decades of sustainability best practices and rapidly changing regulations at the same time.
Further complicating matters, the acronyms feel like an alphabet soup – and they’re changing so quickly it can be tough to figure out which way’s up and what to pay attention to first.
Whether you're brand new to sustainability reporting or you just need a no-judgement refresh, this session will break down the need-to-knows and what it all means for the teams responsible for ESG reporting efforts – all in plain English. No corporate-speak. No high horse thought leadership. No such thing as silly questions.
All attendees will receive a glossary of key terms and acronyms, as well as a cheat sheet on the global regulatory landscape for reference for the rest of the conference.
Here’s a taste of what the session will cover
- A brief history of ESG regulations – why are things changing anyway?
- What people mean when they talk in acronyms
- Materiality, but make it make sense
- The scoop on scopes 1, 2, and 3
- Carbon accounting is like regular accounting… but cooler

Meet the Presenters

Meg Murphy
Principal Sustainability Market Lead
Visual Lease